Ottawa Valley 
Quilters Guild

Log in

If our email links don't work for you, contact us here

Membership application

Please read:

  • The membership year runs from July 1 to June 30. 
  • Applications received after May 1 will be applied to the next year. 
  • We do not prorate fees during the year, so if you are considering joining on or after March 1st, you might want to wait until May 1 to apply. In the meantime, you would be welcome to attend our meetings as a Guest at a cost of $8.00 per meeting.

You will receive an email containing your password once you confirm your membership request. Check your inbox before trying to login.

Regular - $40.00 (CAD) Subscription period: 1 year, on: July 1st No automatically recurring payments

Enter your email

* Mandatory fields
* e-Mail
Your email address must be unique in our database. You will use it to log in and we will use it to send you emails about the newsletter, new workshops, reminders, etc.
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