Ottawa Valley 
Quilters Guild

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Quilting Basics for Beginners - Piecing

  • 28 Jan 2023
  • 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
  • Maki House, 19 Leeming Drive, Nepean
  • 0


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 Quilting Basics - Piecing

If you’ve ever wanted to dive into quilting, but didn’t know where to start, this is the place!

We are pleased to offer the first of a series of shorter Workshops for complete Novices or Beginners.  You will learn Piecing, i.e. the construction of some basic units used in quilt designs. 

Participants will make samples of the following block elements:  half-square triangles (HSTs), quarter-square triangles (QST), 4-patches, and flying geese.  If time permits, we will cover V-block, and square-in-a-square.   Emphasis will include the importance of seams, ¼” and the scant ¼”. 

Many thanks to Billie Stephens who will be our Instructor for Piecing.

Supplies List:

Basic Cutting and Piecing Supply List.pdf

Note:  This is a Techniques Workshop.  No actual quilts will be completed.  Participants must have a working sewing machine and be able to operate it.

Everyone will have a separate 6' table.  Masks are not mandatory but health officials are still recommending we use them to stay safe.  It's your choice but please respect other people's decisions.

The kitchen is available for making tea or coffee.

Member's fee is $30

Guest fee is $35

Space: 5 min/8 max

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