Return to Member Participation
This page has been redesigned to give you more complete information in an easier-to-read format. Also, the entry form now opens on its own page to enable you to see the entry confirmation message right away.
Entries and photos: 11 PM (Eastern Time) on March 31st. Submissions missing this deadline will not be accepted.
Fees for "For Sale" signs must be received by the Registrar by April 14th. If you miss this deadline your entry will still be in the show, but it won’t receive a sign.
Entering an item into the quilt show is a 6-step process. All entries must complete steps 1-4. Steps 5 and 6 only apply to some entries — be sure to check to see if they apply to yours.
Before you submit an entry, be sure that you have read the following documents. Each document is just a single 2-sided sheet, so it won't take you long to read through them.
The entry worksheet is available to help you prepare your answers for the entry form. Several questions on the entry form require some thought (and maybe some research) to get the details correct, so take a look at the worksheet to ensure you know what is expected.
IMPORTANT: Ensure that your quilt is insured under your personal household policy. We will make every effort to protect your work, but we do not carry insurance to cover the value of the quilt.
If you have any questions:
- email the Registrar at, or
- visit the Quilt Show breakout room before the February, March, and April monthly meetings on Zoom between 7 and 7:30 pm.
Click on the link below to open the entry form in a new window. Then read the instructions at the top, fill in your answers, and click on "Submit" at the bottom of the form.
After you submit the entry be sure to follow the instructions that appear on screen to ensure you receive a confirmation email for the entry.
If you run into issues after clicking on "Submit":
DO NOT FILL IN A NEW BLANK ENTRY FORM AND SUBMIT THE ENTRY A SECOND TIME! Instead, follow the instructions on the screen that tell you what to do.
If you are submitting multiple entries to the quilt show:
Do not fill out the entry form for your next entry until you have successfully received and read the confirmation email for the previous entry. This will ensure you don't keep making the same mistake over and over in all of your entries.
Click here to get an entry form
Note: If you see the message "This form is not yet open for submissions", it means the entry form system is temporarily disabled for maintenance. Please come back later and try again.
After receiving your entry confirmation email be sure to read it through to ensure there were no issues with your entry, and to see what action(s) you need to take to complete the entry process.
IMPORTANT: Be sure to save this email in case you need to make changes to the entry information at some point. To make changes, just follow the directions in the email that tell you how to do this.
To complete your entry you must send the Registrar one (1) digital colour photo of the quilted item. (JPEG photos are recommended; HEIC photos should not be submitted, as they are incompatible with the entry form system.) To submit your photo, just reply to the confirmation email for that entry and attach the photo before sending it.
Once the Registrar accepts your photo you will receive an updated entry confirmation email that includes the photo. Be sure to review this email to ensure the photo was recorded correctly.
Your entry photo is now used as part of the judging process, so be sure it presents your entry as favourably as possible. The following is recommended:
There is no fee to submit entries to the 2025 Quilt Show.
If you want the Guild to attach a "FOR SALE" notice to an entry and connect you with potential purchasers, a $25 fee is required for each such entry. If you have multiple quilts for sale you may pay all the fees in one payment. Be sure to indicate your name and the quilt title(s) with your payment.
You can pay:
To make changes to an entry's anwers after you've submitted it:
If you want to provide an updated photo for an entry you've submitted:
If you need to withdraw an entry after you've submitted it:
Before you change the entry priority of any entries you have submitted, please note the following: